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Practice languages, make new friends and have a delicious Paella on Saturday with the Barcelona Language Exchange International Family!!

(Español abajo)
On Saturday , we’ll have our monthly Paella and Language Exchange in Barcelona. There will be a limit of attendees, so we can sit all together and enjoy the meal and the conversation 🙂
Book your spot through Meetup

The MENU of Barcelona Language Exchange Paella includes:
• Starter to choose from:
Goat cheese salad
Chicken strips with Thai sauce
Escalivada with Parmesan cheese
Broken eggs with Spanish ham

• Main course to choose from:
Paella (to choose from): Valencian / Caramelized onion / Veggie / Black (squid ink)

• Dessert to choose from:
Homemade cake
Two ice cream balls

• Drinks
1 Soft drink or 1 Beer or 2 glasses of the house wine
Coffee or tea


Meeting time 2pm.

The lunch will be at a secret place, only the participants will know.

1) Through a wire transfer, Bizum or Revolut, send an email to for bank account details.
2) In cash during the previous language exchanges (on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays).

It must be done at the latest the previous Friday. For later payments send an email to, to check if there are places available. You can also contact us here.

NO SHOWS – LATE CANCELLATIONS: there won’t be refunds no matter the reason.

¡Practica idiomas, haz nuevos amigos y tómate una deliciosa Paella con la familia internacional de Barcelona Language Exchange!

El sábado haremos nuestra Paella mensual. Habrá un límite de asistentes, así nos podemos sentar todos juntos y disfrutar de la comida y de la conversación 🙂

Reserva tu plaza a través de Meetup

• Entrante a elegir:
Ensalada de queso de cabra
Tiras de pollo con salsa Thai
Escalivada con parmesano
Huevos rotos con jamón

• Principal a elegir:
Arroz negro
Paella (a elegir): Valenciana / de cebolla caramelizada / de verduras

• Postre a elegir:
Pastel casero
Dos bolas de helado

• Bebidas
1 Refresco o 1 Cerveza o 2 Copas de vina de la casa
Café o té


Hora de llegada 14h.

La paella se hará en un lugar secreto, solo los participantes lo sabrán.

1) Mediante transferencia bancaria, Bizum o Revolut, mandar un correo a para los datos bancarios.
2) En efectivo durante los intercambios de idiomas previos (los miércoles, jueves y viernes).

Debe efectuarse como máximo el viernes previo. Para pagos posteriores mandar un correo a, para consultar si hay plazas libres. También puedes contactarnos aquí.

NO PRESENTARSE y CANCELACIONES de último minuto: no se harán reembolsos sin importar la razón.

Barcelona tips, Spain Trips, Uncategorized

Sunday Morning Sailing – A Barcelona Language Exchange Adventure

Looking for a unique and refreshing experience for your next Sunday morning? Join Barcelona Language Exchange Sunday sailboat trip, which includes the combination of language learning and sailing in a stunning coastal setting. I recently had the opportunity to enjoy this unforgettable experience, and I can’t wait to share my recommendation with you.

The Allure of a New Sailing Experience

Over the weekend, I had the special opportunity of going on a Barcelona Language Exchange Sunday sailboat trip. I have been sailing a few times before, but on a small sunfish boat that could not hold more than three people, so I was really excited. This adventure allowed me to explore the open waters with a group of like-minded language enthusiasts. We chatted in various languages and told stories, as the ocean wind ran through my hair. The prospect of expanding my sailing horizons was truly exhilarating.

Setting Sail into Serenity

As our sailboat departed from the coast, the participants introduced themselves, sharing their fluent languages and which languages they would like to learn. With the impressive Barcelona skyline fading in the distance, majestic mountains emerged on our right, captivating us with their grandeur. The breathtaking beauty of the surroundings left me speechless, as the seamless transition between the endless ocean and the sky blurred the horizon. Amidst this awe-inspiring backdrop, engaging conversations with fellow travelers filled the air, while the gentle warmth of the sun provided the perfect excuse to recline on the boat’s bow.

A Refreshing Dive into the Azure Waters

To beat the summer heat, we decided to take a refreshing dip in the ocean. Swimming in the open water, far from the shore, with the sailboat anchored nearby, created a unique sense of adventure. The camaraderie among the participants fostered numerous interesting conversations, it was lovely getting to know a few new people, all from different places!

In summary, the Barcelona Language Exchange Sunday sailboat trip is a remarkable opportunity to combine language learning with a memorable sailing adventure. The breathtaking views, refreshing swims, and engaging conversations create an immersive and enriching experience that will leave you with fond memories. Check out some of my favorite pictures from the day, and get ready to embark on your own extraordinary journey.

If, like Ginger, you also want to take advantage of the summer in Barcelona, sailing and, at the same time, improve your languages, sign up for the next Sailing & Language Exchange, but but hurry up because there are not many spots left! Youalso have the option of watching the sunset from the sailboat during the Sunset Sailing & Language Exchange.
You can also sign up for the Day Trip to Cadaqués and Roses, where a private guide will discover the most beautiful corners of Dalí’s beloved white town.

Or you can join the weekly events we do all year round. You just need to confirm your attendance on Meetup.

And if you want to share your story and see it published as Ginger’s, you can send it to us at

See you at the Language Exchange!


Language Learning

(Reading time 2 minutes) 

Learn About my First Time at the Language Exchange!

I arrived in Barcelona a few weeks ago, as a college student from the United States doing an internship for the summer. Part of my internship program is taking Spanish classes, with a requirement of using what I learn in class in real-world situations, while in Spain. I was trying to find places to practice and stumbled upon the Barcelona Language Exchange. Here is the story of my first language exchange experience.

On Thursday night, I headed to the Space Cowboy, to attend a language exchange meeting for the first time. To be honest, my Spanish could use some serious work, I am only able to comprehend very simple sentences and verbs, often getting lost in translation when asked a simple question, such as “would you like a bag with that?”

I am used to my thoughts coming across clearly to strangers and friends alike, back in my home country, being unable to share my thoughts clearly has been a new experience. Being at a loss for words when trying to communicate simple ideas takes some getting used to, requiring the confidence that even if when I make mistakes, it is still worth continuing to try to improve my skills.  

However, when attending the Barcelona Language Exchange event, the fear that I will confuse people with my mismatched Spanish is much less intense, as the precedent is set that this is an environment focused on learning. Being able to switch between helping others improve their English while learning Spanish was a lot of fun. You are both the teacher and the student

Reflection on my First Experience 

This experience was refreshing and empowering. For those who are trying to learn a language through a social conversational setting, you really should give it a try. Here at Barcelona Language Exchange, we have many events every week, from Thursdays at the Space Cowboy to sailing on Sundays. We hope to see you soon!  

What about you? How did you adjust to learning a new language for the first time? Share your story with us either in the weekly language exchange in bars, in the Sunset Sailing & Language Exchange on Saturday June 17th, the Brunch & Language Exchange on Sunday June 18th, or the Paella & Language Exchange on July 1st. We would love to publish your story! You can send it to us at  


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